Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Procurement Management Services

Questions and Answers for bid: 067-FF03

Bid Number : 067-FF03  Opening Date : 06/20/2006
Bid Title : Speciality Bakery Products 
Buyer : R. Johnson 
Subject : Filling out and submitting the bid items worksheet (Format B) 
Question : I am having a problem with the bid. My computer can only download the bid in Adobe format. I can not download the Excel spreadsheet (Format B),making me unable to enter any info on the computer and to print out my bid submission. I am able to print the Adobe file which I can fill out in blue ink and submit. Will that be acceptable? 
Answer : Yes, a bidder can fill out the bid in ink and submit it as their bid. Should a bidder make a mistake in the process, please cross out the mistake in ink, make the change in ink and initial the change in ink. DO NOT USE WHITE OUT and/or DO NOT USE PENCIL as your bid will be considered non-responsive. The printed and filled out copy of the bid is used for evaluation. While being able to fill out the bid using the enclosed Excel Worksheet (Format B) and printing it to submit as the bid is more convenient, it is not required to submit an electronic version of the Format B (i.e. CD-ROM or Floppy Disk) with the printed copy of the bid.  
Date Posted : 6/13/2006 1:31:47 PM 
Attachment :

Bid Number : 067-FF03  Opening Date : 06/20/2006
Bid Title : Specialty Bakery Products 
Buyer : R. Johnson 
Subject : Submission of Items on Bid (Format B) 
Question : I am unable to create a CD-ROM or Floppy Disk to submit as the Format B Excel Worksheet with this bid. Is it required to submit an electronic format of the bid items worksheet in Excel (Format B)? 
Answer : While being able to fill out the bid using the enclosed Excel Worksheet (Format B) is more convenient, it is not required to submit an electronic version of the Format B (i.e. CD-ROM or Floppy Disk) with your bid submission. However, it is easier for the buyer to evaluate the bids when it is provided in electronic format. REMEMBER that if you do submit a CD-ROM, Floppy Disk or Jump Drive, you MUST PRINT A COPY of the Format B Excel Worksheet and enclose it with the bid. The PRINTED copy of the Format B will be used as the bid for evaluation. Should you need to make any last minute changes to your bid submission, you can make changes to the printed copy in ink and initial those changes in ink. If there is a difference between the printed copy and the electronic copy, Special Conditions state that the PRINTED copy will be used for the bid evaluation. If necessary, the buyer will correct the electronic copy during the bid evaluation process so that it matches the printed copy provided at time of bid submission. 
Date Posted : 6/13/2006 1:49:59 PM 
Attachment :

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